Thanks to everyone that came to the 2022 Tennessee School Board Association Annual Conference. We greatly appreciate each of you and the investment you make with Tennessee kids!

Working With Schools
At VEEO, we work with schools to help reduce their utility budget, allowing for even greater investment in each child you serve. Thank you to everyone that came by our booth and specifically the following schools that signed up to learn more about our process:
- Bedford County Public Schools
- Cheatham County School Board
- Cocke County
- Dickson County
- Germantown Municipal School District
- Gibson County Special
- Grainger County
- Green County
- Grundy County
- Hardeman County
- Humboldt
- Jackson Madison County School System
- Jefferson County
- Lewis County
- Lincoln County Schools- Fayetteville, Tennessee
- Loudon County Schools
- Marion County
- McNairy County
- Newport
- Sweetwater
- Washington County Schools (TN)
If you would like to join these schools in reducing your utility budget & creating a virtual endowment for your school, please sign up for a time of your convenience